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This procedure will work for Microsoft Word and a number of other applications as well if they follow the apparent de facto standard for applications that run under Windows.

Here’s a common occurrence. You need to quickly find out the version of the software you are running but, due to less than perfect organizational habits; you no longer have the box or the CD readily available.

Software developers cut you a break by imbedding a summary of ownership and version in the software and making it accessible to the ordinary end user.

Using MS Word as an example, begin by
1. Starting the application.
2. From the Menu bar, locate and select (Left Mouse click) the “HELP” menu item.
3. From the drop-down box presented, locate and select (Left Mouse click)

the “ABOUT MICROSOFT WORD” menu item. Of course, if you are running an application other than MS Word, the ABOUT title should announce that product. 4. Details displayed will be similar to that shown below.

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